About US

Company Profile

Company Profile: 6Drips Vogues Nigeria Limited


6Drips Vogues Nigeria Limited is a dynamic company at the intersection of technology, media, and agriculture. We leverage cutting-edge innovations to revolutionize farming practices while disseminating vital information through media platforms. Our integrated approach fosters sustainable agricultural growth while bridging the digital divide.


To empower farmers with transformative technologies, amplify agricultural knowledge through media channels, and cultivate a thriving ecosystem for sustainable food production.

Areas of Expertise:


Farming App: A platform for E-commerce farming products sales and Farming TV online Streaming for viewers and Farmers education with an educative farming contents.

Precision Farming: Utilizing IoT, drones, and AI to optimize crop yield and resource management.

Agri-Tech Solutions: Developing bespoke software and hardware solutions tailored to agricultural needs.

Data Analytics: Harnessing big data to derive actionable insights for informed decision-making in farming practices.


Farming TV: A farming TV included in our Streaming channel platform for viewers in a single App.

Agricultural Education: Producing engaging content to disseminate best practices, market trends, and innovations in farming.

Digital Platforms: Curating online resources, webinars, and interactive tools to connect farmers with experts and each other.

Social Impact Campaigns: Leveraging media influence to raise awareness about sustainable farming practices and environmental conservation.


Vogues Banana and Plantain Farm Estate: Setting up of our Banana and Plantain estate at Ilemona Road Offa, Kwara state for Flour and Chips processing for sale on our Agro E-commerce platforms.

Sustainable Farming: Promoting organic farming methods, conservation agriculture, and eco-friendly practices.

Farmer Support: Offering training programs, workshops, and consultancy services to enhance agricultural productivity and profitability.

Market Access: Facilitating market linkages and supply chain solutions to connect farmers with buyers and consumers.

Key Initiatives:

Smart Farming Solutions:

Deploying sensor-based technologies to monitor soil health, moisture levels, and crop conditions in real-time.

Implementing automated irrigation systems and climate control measures to optimize resource utilization and minimize environmental impact.

Media Outreach Programs:

OSTV Streaming App having various channels for free and premium subscribers which includes our Farming TV streaming channels on the platform.

Collaborating with media partners to produce documentaries, podcasts, and social media campaigns spotlighting agricultural success stories and innovations.

Hosting educational events, workshops, and seminars to empower farmers with knowledge and skills essential for modern agriculture.

Agro-Educational Platforms:

Developing interactive online platforms and mobile applications to provide farmers with access to market information, weather forecasts, and expert advice.

Establishing community-driven forums and knowledge-sharing networks to foster collaboration and peer-to-peer learning among farmers.


6Drips Vogues Nigeria Limited envisions a future where technology, media, and agriculture converge to create a sustainable and resilient food system, empowering farmers, enriching communities, and safeguarding the planet for generations to come.

Contact Us:

For inquiries, partnerships, or collaborations, please reach out to us.